Providing the system to make our planet more green and better for everyone.
Customer will receive a 95 gallon
container with blue lid,
All items are placed in the Container
with no sorting necessary
Learn more about our Split Body Truck. This truck and pick up both waste and recycle in the same truck because it separates the trash from the recycle into 2 different compartments of the truck.
Recycling is Collected Twice a Month
Tuesday Trash Pick-up day - Recycling = 1st and 3rd Tuesday
Thursday Trash Pick-up day - Recycling = 1st and 3rd Thursday
Friday Trash Pick-up day - Recycling = 1st and 3rd Friday
Sedona (North Side of Hwy 89A and Uptown)
Monday Trash Pick-up day - Recycling = 1st and 3rd Monday
Sedona (South Side of Hwy 89A)
Monday Trash Pick-up day - Recycling = 2nd and 4th Monday
Sedona (Hwy 179)
Tuesday Trash Pick-up – Recycling = 1st and 3rd Tuesday
Village of Oak Creek
Tuesday Trash Pick-up day - Recycling = 2nd and 4th Tuesday
Thursday Trash Pick-up day - Recycling = 2nd and 4th Thursday
Camp Verde
Wednesday Trash Pick-up day - Recycling = 1st and 3rd Wednesday
Verde Santa Fe and Tissaw Rd
Friday Trash Pick-up day - Recycling = 2nd and 4th Friday
Rimrock and Lake Montezuma
Wednesday Trash Pick-up day - Recycling = 2nd and 4th Wednesday
Recycle Bin will have Blue Lid
May designate no glass but we currently do accept glass in the recycle bins.

Taylor Waste ~ P.O. Box 3218 Cottonwood, AZ 86326 ~ 928-649-2662 ~ 928-778-5454 ~ Copyright© 2019